What's on my Website

Before you navigate here's a few thing I need you to know about me and this website:

Learning Vector/Vexel Art

Around year 2010 I started making vector arts but I don't have any knowledge on how to make one.

Vector Works Around July 2012
Making Vector Art is not as simple as what you think it is. It takes a lot of time and patience to make a piece of art that will look good. :)

I started making vector/vexel arts again just this April. The picture below is my vector learning progress. As you can see there are improvements in each artwork I made. :) I hope I could make more and even better.
Work Progress

Learning doesn't stop. So As long as I wanted to learn and improved my skills in vectoring I always pray that each artwork I made I could find improvements. 
Vector Works Around Last Week of April to May

So far this is the vector I made for the month of May and April. Just a few of them.

By the way you can visit my Shadowness gallery here : http://shadowness.com/vibeauart just in case you want to see more of my artworks and view there full sizes.


Celebrating My 21st Birthday

May 30, 2012

Few shots I toke today. :P 
 I did the VxV sign here :))

My sister brought me a pink birthday cake as a gift for me and my mama and papa also did bought something like lechon (so yummy!)
I Cooked the macaroni salad and Spagetti..
